Mark Nichols has Challenge Coin keychains!
There are very few Challenge Coins left, so get yours today!
There are very few Challenge Coins left, so get yours today!
Do you have PSCLC event questions — or have ideas for NEW events?
Call or write Tom Di Nucci or Mark Nichols
Watch your emails for updates and you can always check our website for the latest information.
Call or write Tom Di Nucci or Mark Nichols
Watch your emails for updates and you can always check our website for the latest information.
Saturday, September 28: Chickaumuga Battlefield and Nichols Old Home place
October - Date TBD: Oxford, GA., Antebellum Home & PSCLC Appreciation Picnic
Friday - Sunday, November 1 - 3: PSCLC Fall Driving Tour to Chattanooga!
Saturday, November 9: Veterans Day Parade
Note the NEW location this year. Click the banner, above, to learn more about Brookfield CC.
June 2 -7, 2025
CLC Grand National in Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Discover the Event's Planned Tours, Local Attractions and Hotel Discounts
CLC Grand National in Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Discover the Event's Planned Tours, Local Attractions and Hotel Discounts
Click Here to View a PDF of Local Cruise-Ins
Please Note: These are not PSCLC events. We are only sharing this information and are not responsible for cancellations or any other change in the events listed below. A Peach State CLC member will not be attending every event.
Please Note: These are not PSCLC events. We are only sharing this information and are not responsible for cancellations or any other change in the events listed below. A Peach State CLC member will not be attending every event.

REMEMBER to check our Facebook page for upcoming events and past activities!
We have 438 members and it’s a public group. The purpose is to share our social calendar with everyone who is interested in the Peach State region of the Cadillac & LaSalle Club (CLC). |